About Us

The writers at Hit Point aim to be both witty and approachable to their readers. We are gamers who choose to write as opposed to writers who choose to play games. Hit Point does our best to give you a more cultured point of view as people who understand and are a part of the gaming community. As we continue to make new content, we hope our writing will become a familiar voice within the void that is the Internet.

As writers, we often make silly jokes or punny statements and we don’t tend to take ourselves too seriously. Hit Point also tries to explain any niche terms to make it a friendlier read. If we get it right, our articles will help you choose a fun game, avoid not so fun experiences, and learn about the communities surrounding your favorite games.

Our Staff

Zoë Sands is the first of Hit Point’s writers. She’s a big fan of platformers, metroidvanias, roguelikes, and the occasional RPG. Some of her favorite games include Hollow Knight, Celeste, Mario Galaxy, and Kirby’s Epic Yarn (a childhood classic). Her articles tend to focus on games in these genres, with some exploration into wider gaming topics as well, and she often relates her own experiences to these topics.

Blake Palm is Hit Point’s head honcho when it comes to roguelikes, rhythm games, and movement shooters. His favorite games are split between many genres, including titles like Enter the Gungeon, Team Fortress 2, Brawlhalla, and the Darkest Dungeon series. Palm’s going to be honing in on a variety of games, including hot new indie titles, frantic fighting games, and many many roguelikes.

Emy Taylor is the last of the three staff who make up Hit Point. Gaming-wise, they are definitely a fan of platformers, and single player adventure games. Her favorite game of all time is Psychonauts. When it comes to their writing, Taylor enjoys talking about the content creation community, fun facts, walkthroughs, and their own gaming experiences. Taylor is also in charge of Hit Point graphics, and keeps the site looking funky fresh.